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Welcome to Lone Star Candy Bar

254 E. Main St., Fredericksburg, Texas 78624

Sunday - Thursday: 9a - 6p

Friday - Saturday: 9a - 8p


Holiday Hours


*We will be closed early on Thanksgiving Eve

and Closed on Thanksgiving Day


*We will be closing at 4p on Christmas Eve

and Closed on Christmas Day


Come By For A Free Sample!

Chocolate covered bacon anyone?

Come by for a free sample of over 36 flavors of fudge! Made fresh in our store with real butter. You won't believe what we can dip in chocolate: Bacon, Fresh Jalapenos, Potato Chips, Strawberries, Dill Pickles...the list goes on. How about some soda in a glass bottle? We have regular flavors and some pretty weird flavors - like peanut butter & jelly, or bacon! Oh, and that marvelous smell coming from the back - That's our fresh roasted nuts.

2023 03 13 Love Locks_edited.jpg

Love Locks

Now you can lock up your love at

Lone Star Candy Bar!


Come visit us and purchase your Love Locks today!

Homemade Fudge

Approximately 1/4 pound per piece of homemade fudge.

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